David Gall Memorial Scholarship
Established in honor of David Gall and his work with The Ohio Transfer Council. David Gall began working with transfer students at The Ohio State University in the early 1990’s. At that time, the state of Ohio had just begun to legislate the aspects of transferring college credit. Along with OSU leadership, David Gall was instrumental in developing policies and practices at OSU to support those statewide initiatives. David actively and passionately promoted inter-institutional partnerships across the state that benefited transfer students.
David was an early member of the Ohio Transfer Council and was involved in the merger of the North and South Councils. It has been said that David Gall was “a tireless advocate for transfer students and never met a stranger that he couldn’t charm/bargain/persuade to work on behalf of the students.” The Ohio Transfer Council is pleased to honor his work, his dedication, and his passion with the David Gall Memorial Scholarship. David passed away in 2004 but through this scholarship he continues to help transfer students succeed.
Eligibility criteria:
CREDIT HOURS You must have completed at least 24 semester credit hours or 36 quarter credit hours at the school from which you are transferring by June 30th in order to be eligible. These credit hours are based on earned credit taken after high school. CCP, AP, IB and Dual Enrollment credits may not be counted toward the 24 semester/36 quarter credit hour minimum. CLEP and DANTES may be included in the credit requirement.
CUMULATIVE GPA You must be enrolled in the current spring term at the school from which you are transferring, and have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 for all undergraduate course work.
ENROLLMENT You must be enrolled for the upcoming fall term at your new institution. Scholarship recipients will receive the scholarship for fall and spring consecutive terms only. Recipients must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours for each term (fall and spring) during the academic year to stay eligible for the amounts dispersed. Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 GPA at the end of the fall term to receive the spring disbursement.
OTC PARTICIPATING INSTITUTIONS Both colleges from and to which you are transferring must be current participating members of the Ohio Transfer Council.
NON-OHIO RESIDENTS If you are a non-Ohio resident, but have been attending an OTC participating college, you are eligible to apply.