LEAF provides one-to-one advising with students and families within our partner schools on all phases of postsecondary planning. Advisory appointments can be made at your high school, virtually, or at our Resource Center on the Lakeland Community College campus in Kirtland, OH.

Exploring Career Options
Our advisors introduce high schoolers to career exploration resources to help them identify careers that match their interests, skills, and values – an important step to future job satisfaction and career success. We guide students on key factors to look for when researching career options, like job outlook, required training and education, opportunities for advancement, and whether the career they are considering will allow them to live the lifestyle they envision for themselves. We encourage students to take their career exploration a step further through job shadowing and internships, and summer enrichment opportunities that allow them to test-drive their career of choice.

Putting Postsecondary Education
Plans in Motion
Our advisors provide guidance to students on uncovering and evaluating options for postsecondary education, whether that involves a bachelor’s degree, associate degree, or certificate training through a career technical education center. We share with students the many factors they should consider as they go on college visits and begin to narrow down their list of options. We help students and families understand the college admission process, including admission types, timelines, the Common Application, SAT/ACT testing, and application requirements.

Navigating the Path to College Affordability
Our expertise in college funding and financial aid is a cornerstone of our organization. Our advisors work with students and families to ensure they are taking all the necessary steps to maximize financial aid eligibility in an effort to minimize college costs. This involves helping them understand the financial aid process in its entirety, including:
Understanding the financial aid timeline and types of aid
Filing financial aid applications
Identifying scholarship opportunities
Interpreting financial aid offers
Appealing for additional aid
Evaluating College Loan Options