Ohio Daughters of the American Revolution Wings of Eagles Scholarship

Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) - Ohio State Society
APPLICATION CLOSED FOR 2025. CHECK BACK FOR 2026 APPLICATION. For graduating high school seniors, including those completing a certified home school program. Awards are based on academic excellence and character. All applicants must be citizens of the United States, legal residents of the state of Ohio and will be attending an accredited college or university in the United States.

No affiliation or relationship with DAR is necessary, however all applicants must obtain a letter of sponsorship from their local DAR chapter. Only applications completed correctly and submitted in one entry will be considered. Applications must be submitted through the sponsoring chapter.

Application requirements include:

1. Letter from sponsoring chapter. You can find a local Ohio chapter online by visiting the chapter locator at https://www.dar.org/national-society/become-member/chapter-locations.

2. Official certified transcript of high school grade which also indicates class rank/size and test scores unless home schooled. Home schooled students include grade transcripts for grade 9 through current year and documented test scores.

3. An essay of 500 words or less. Topic: If you were asked to “Continue the Legacy of our American Patriots” what would that mean to you and how would you do that?

4. A statement of 200 words or less describing what makes you an outstanding candidate for the scholarship.

5. A list of extra-curricular activities, honors received, scholastic achievements, or other significant accomplishments

6. Dated and signed letters of recommendation from at least three but not more than four people in authority from the high school or college the applicant currently attends, who are familiar with the applicant’s work. Letter may cover the applicant’s ability, work habits, integrity, character, potential and activities. Each letter must include the title, address and telephone number of the person giving the recommendation for possible contact or verification.

7. Proof of United States Citizenship: birth certificate or naturalization papers. NOTE: cover the photograph when photocopying naturalization papers.

8. Application must be submitted to your local DAR chapter no later than 11:59PM January 31, 2025.

9. LOCAL DAR CHAPTER MUST SUBMIT APPLICATION TO mechase1960@gmail.com Application and supporting paperwork MUST be submitted in one scan/attachment, NOT individually.

Award Amount:
January 31, 2025
Website: https://ohiodar.org/scholarships.html