☂ #5~ Release

per chance $0.00

Elakia is a TOP25 umbrella finalist. Her umbrella will be auctioned off on April 29, 2023 between 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. at the Great Lakes Mall for LEAFs Singing in the Rain Benefit Auction. Please come out to support all TOP25 finalist where scholarship recipients will be announced.

Elakia’s umbrella will be on display at the Great Lakes Mall from March 17 through April 16, 2023.

Out of stock

SKU: 202305 Category:


Artist: Elakia
Aurora High School
Art Teacher: Eric Head

A quote from Elakia, “Music plays a huge role in life; especially in one’s mental health. I hope to motivate teenagers to improve their mental health by listening to music.”