Tri-Vantage, LLC Scholarship

Tri-Vantage LLC
Scholarship established in 2001 to provide support for the children and grandchildren of employees of Tri-Vantage, LLC for postsecondary and post-baccalaureate study at an accredited university or college in either a full-time or part-time capacity.

– Child or grandchild (whether natural, adopted, or stepchild) of a regular employee* of Tri-Vantage, LLC and any parent, subsidiary, division, successor, or survivor entity

– Academic merit

– Enrolling/enrolled as an undergraduate (freshman through senior) or post-baccalaureate candidate at an accredited nonprofit college or university

– Minimum 2.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale

*Regular employee = employed full- or part-time with a minimum tenure of two years

Award Amount:
April 15, 2025